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I love to document and record moments, and photographs become my voice to tell those stories. That's really all this is about to me. However, let's start at the beginning.


I grew up in a small town in Northern British Columbia, Canada. We had infinite freedom to explore and enjoy our surroundings. It was the "come home when the streetlights turn on" type of childhood, and I could not be more grateful for the love of the outdoors, adventure and community that instilled in me. Thanks to my late father and late grandfather, I was extremely fortunate to grow up learning about my Métis-Cree culture, its teachings, and falling in love with all of it along the way.


Shortly after turning 18, I moved to Vancouver to pursue a music career. Very long story short, I had a lot of fun with it. I met countless friends, made memories I'll never forget, and accomplished some things I'd always dreamt of. However, I noticed that during photo and videoshoots, I greatly enjoyed what was happening behind the camera. I casually started making photos on my trusty iPhone 4, then in 2014, I was gifted my first digital camera and over the next four years, a hobby grew into a deep love for telling stories.


Since 2018, I have had the pleasure of photographing some incredible people and places. It's a beautiful thing when I step back and look at all of the various experiences I've lived as well as friends and memories I've made - all with a camera in hand. 


Our time on this earth is fleeting, it's limited. The stories we tell, the moments we document, those are what will keep us alive after we move on. That's my purpose. That's what I'm here for.


I thank you for being here with me.


- Devan

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